10 years ago we could live for a week without Internet connections. Things have changed. Grand Teton Lodge Company provides only this much band-width /..................../ for ALL the guests and employees. A common question at Cabin Office, Where can we find a wifi signal ? Here in Cabin office and 3 other places in Colter Bay. But its really slow in the guest areas, and practically dead in the employee areas. I put on my weekend clothing and came to the "upscale" Jackson Lake Lodge so I look like a tourist sitting in the upstairs lobby. On the plus side, Yellowstone Park has almost no cell phone reception (so the guests tell me), while GT Park has places of very good reception.
My camera's flashcards have suddenly decided to not communicate with the laptop. OK so the camera is from 2005 and was designed to talk to an XP computer, while little laptop uses Windows 7. The compatibility has been slowly going downhill for 6 weeks. Most of my co-workers are retired women, 2 of them retired computer professionals. The best suggestion I received was download the camera's drivers from Internet to the laptop. I hope that helps.
Summer is in full swing at the park. Last night all guest accommodations were filled: the RV park, campground, Tent Village, CB cabins, Jackson Lake Lodge, and Signal Mt Lodge. People wandering in at 10 pm were out of luck.
I was finally able to see Mama Grizzley Bear and her 3 cubs walking thru Willow Flats the other day. Very exciting. 2 nights ago a guest told us of a delay on the main highway. A vehicle had hit a Moose on the road. (How do you not see something THAT big ??) Further down the road a large Bear was chasing the Elk across the highway. A favorite food for the Bears is the baby Elk calves.
I will post 2 photos from last week. A different Bear who ran across Jenny Lake road, and the Larkspur flowers with Arnica in the background.