Friday late afternoon I drove along Antelope Flats Road in the southern part of the park. At first the Bison were distant. Western Meadowlarks were singing, Brewer's Blackbirds flocked close to the ground. I turned around at a junction where Vesper Sparrows were singing. Several Bison had moved in close to the road. I stopped to watch them and take a few photos. One big male looked at me with those dark glassy eyes, and walked across the road just behind my truck. A BIG shaggy beast shedding his winter coat, impressive. I'm glad I was inside the truck. Further along the road I stopped again. Cowbirds sat on a Bison as he munched the greenery. Barely peeking over the sage brush, a small calf looked around. Bison calves are fuzzy appearing and bright rusty red.
Today was my last morning shift for awhile. Mornings are a much coveted position by the married women who need to return to their hungry husbands before evening comes. I hiked Lakeshore Trail in the afternoon. A pair of Osprey kept circling around, calling and calling. One carried a fish, maybe a courtship gift. Colter Bay is mostly mudflats now, not too many fish are available. I was thinking shorebirds might find this area attractive, then a pair of Spotted Sandpipers flew in.
Big snow piles are melting. The pile in the middle of the parking lot was higher than my truck when I arrived 2 weeks ago. Lakeshore Trail still has some snow to walk across, most of the other trails are still snowed in. The official estimate is Wyoming's snowpack is 320 % of its annual average. Spring snow melt will come in a torrent.
Photos: Bison, and Bald Eagle had just finished eating a fish. A serious telephoto lens would have made a better picture.
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