This wet cold front has lasted nearly a week, with only a few sun breaks. Its been a good time to label all my photos and learn each flower as it appears.
The Marina announced there was enough water to launch canoes and kayaks. Indeed the docks do seem to be rising off the muddy lake bottom. The employee sticker for Silver truck was free. To put Dolphin in the water requires 2 permits !! One from National Park Service, and one from state of Wyoming, for a grand total of $35.00 !!!! I have never had to sticker my boat before. It has been poor weather for paddling.
2 employees have quit at Cabin Office leaving the rest of us working 6-day weeks until new people are hired. I hope they hire more people soon.
A Bear story. Bear 399 and her 3 cubs have been hanging around Colter Village for more than a week. There is a large male Grizzley in the forest across the highway. It is believed she is finding safe haven in Colter Village away from the male who would likely kill the cubs. This morning I drove a few miles south to check my cell phone, and came upon a "bear jam" of vehicles. A large grizzley was foraging on the far side of the sage brush flats, apparently not interested in the small group of Elk on the north edge of the field. I pulled out my birding 'scope and had a distant look at her and a cub who ran across in front of her. I let several other people look thru the scope as well.
Many pairs of Mountain Bluebirds in the sage finding insects.
Photos of a Waterleaf flower (Hydrophyllum capitatum) and a Uinta Ground Squirrel announcing his territory to passing hikers.
ooh! you saw a dipper - I'd love to see the American Dipper again. We saw the Brown Dipper (Cinclus pallasii) in Nepal and Arunachal Pradesh, India.