Yesterday morning I launched the kayak into Colter Bay and paddled around the peninsula. The high peaks tower over the lake in a surprisingly small area. To the north and to the south I could see smaller ranges with snow, but not anything like these magnificent mountains. An Osprey pair is still flying over and calling. I wonder if they are nesting nearby.
........Today was my day off. I headed south toward Jenny Lake, stopping halfway to join a group of cars parked at the edge of the road. Not seeing a large animal, I asked a woman, "What is it?" The reply had me running back to the truck for my 'scope, a GREAT GRAY OWL !!! The owl had flown to another tree and perched on a branch in full view. Photographers with very long lenses were clicking off photos quickly. No need for speed. Beautiful owl sat on the branch, posed, and dozed off, only to be awakened by a passing RV.
And that was only the beginning. Weather was poor at Jenny Lake, and I decided to hike anyway. Hidden Falls is roaring down its canyon at many 1000's of cfs. I encountered at least 5 Yellow-bellied Marmots along the trail. (more than I have ever seen in one day !) A Marten, a very close male Moose munching away, a Black-backed Woodpecker, and a pair of Gray Jays were additional highlights.
Jenny Lake is truly a beautiful alpine lake.
Photos of the Marmot, and a location further south in the park.
oh!!! I see it's time for another little celebration??? how exciting to see the Great Gray Owl - and all of the other wild wonders of the west.