The morning dawned gray and damp. Overnight temperatures had been forecasted at 35 F, and last night's storm had not cleared out yet. As I drove back from Jackson Lake Lodge last night snow was falling. (better Internet connection at JLL) I generally have breakfast in my room, and today I made a matte. By 10 am I was tired of sitting in the room and put on my warm coat and hat for a walk. A favorite loop is around the employee RV park, thru the campground, and to a small lake east of Employee Village. Usual birds are Mountain Chickadee, Pine Siskin, Pink-sided Junco (Dark-eyed), Golden-crowned Kinglet, Robins, Yellow-rumped Warblers, Swainson's Thrush, Chipping Sparrows and Ravens.
A few more photos from yesterday's hike at Jenny Lake. The up close Moose didn't seem to care about the hikers watching him, and I did use the camera's zoom. Mountains were covered with misty clouds most of the day, clouds blowing in and blowing out.
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