One afternoon in late June, I was walking along the south end of Jenny Lake listening to birds singing. Warbling Vireos were adding to the chorus. I found this female sitting on her nest in an Aspen tree.
Two weeks ago I was wandering in the forest north of Phelps Lake looking for Woodpeckers. I found this Chickadee nest cavity when a parent Chickadee zipped past my head and into the hole.
Eastern Kingbirds prefer more open country. I was outside the Park when I found this good looking bird swooping after insects.
A litter of Coyote pups was born under one of the old buildings in the Mormon Row area. They happened to be out in the sunshine the morning I came by. Cliff Swallows were nesting on an adjacent building and Vesper Sparrows sang from the sagebrush across the street.
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