Tetons in the clouds, the view is never the same.
One evening a friend and I went out to Pilgrim Creek pond looking for a Moose. Instead we found a field of Lupine and Arrowleaf blooming and glowing in the late evening sun. This Yellow-bellied Marmot was sitting on a downed Cottonwood tree.
Last weekend the weather pattern cleared for a few days. This photo was taken from Jenny Lake looking across Cottonwood Creek. Saturday of that weekend I was able to take a one day class on Snow and Mountain Safety given by Exum Guides. We learned to use ice axes and crampons on a fairly steep snowfield. The melting spring snow was soft and easy to dig into. This is not always the case, the instructor told us.
Yesterday a friend and I drove to a Native American Pow-wow event presented by the Shoshoni tribe. On the way back we passed a pond with a few Avocets and a large group of Wilson's Phalaropes. It seems too early for these Phalaropes to have finished nesting and be on their way south again.
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