We have a loyal flock of House Finches and House Sparrows that visit the backyard feeders every morning for seeds. A Northern Flicker has come 3 or 4 times, but the squirrels always seem to eat the peanuts first. Migrating Juncos are a treat, 3 subspecies of the Dark-eyed Junco complex have been visiting: Pink-sided, Slate-colored, and Oregon.
....Today I joined a group birding trip looking for raptors across the plains. Red-taileds predominated, followed by Kestrels. 3 Ferruginous Hawks were seen sitting on phone poles, and one Prairie Falcon. Early afternoon became very windy and we cancelled visiting some reservoirs. In the winter Colorado birders study Gulls. Ring-bills are abundant. In much smaller numbers are California, Herring. and Lesser Black-backed. A few Thayer's Gulls have been reported.
....Most of the boxes in the house have been emptied and contents have been shelved. Important items like power strip surge protectors and connecting cables for electronic devices are coming to light. Boxes in the garage and downstairs storage room have last priority. Each piece of furniture has been moved into its appointed place, and more rooms are being painted.
The snow from the early Nov storm melted within a week, and we were able to finish raking leaves in the yard.
...I haven't taken any new photos in nearly 3 weeks. These photos are from October . Job seeking efforts continue.
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