We moved into the house in Greeley CO on Tuesday, Nov 1 with help from members of Nina's church. We are grateful. During the unloading of trucks a snowstorm arrived, and continued into the night. In the morning 10 inches of snow covered the ground, trees, streets, etc. And we still had to return the BIG trucks to Budget !!
My Silver truck sat for 2 weeks in her friend's yard and started up well after we shoveled a path to the road. Hooray for a new battery this summer in Jackson.
........Settling in is taking awhile. So many boxes. She wants to re-paint some of the rooms. We hope to have Internet by the end of the week. She has 6 "shepherd's crooks" hangers for the backyard. I erected all 6 of them and hung as many bird feeders as I could find. Now we have 4 fat, well-fed squirrels and no birds have visited the yard.
.....I did my first exploration this morning, driving north to the small town of Nunn and following a report of Longspurs. The grasslands reminded me of central valley California where I used to go birding. Horned Larks were present in abundance, but no Longspurs. The surprise of the morning was a probable Rough-legged Hawk soaring in circles looking for breakfast.
......Photos of Silver truck, Fuji bike and Dolphin on the roof, and of Nina's backyard the next morning.
Best wishes for new beginnings of adventures in your new environment, Karen. 11/11/11 was the 15th anniversary of Catherine Crandall and George Mortimer. San Xavier del Bac. Birding in winter in Colorado: now THAT is dedication. Miss you.