Monday, November 26, 2012

Life Mammal

     This morning I woke up and "my" birds were not singing !!  Maybe they are upset because I woke up late and did not put seed out until after 8 am.  A bit later I was walking to the employee parking area when a Cooper's Hawk zoomed over my head into a Mesquite.  That's why all the little birds went into hiding !!
      Today was my first official day off.  I went birding of course !   I drove south on Hwy 19 to Montosa Canyon, south of Green Valley.  The Smithsonian Institute's astronomy observatory is further up the same road.  When water is running in the creek it is a wonderful magnet for birds.  The little creek has been dry for several weeks but I did find birds.
     Green-tailed Towhees, Cardinals, and a Fox Sparrow scratched in the leaf litter looking for tasty tidbits.  Canyon Wrens serenaded from the hillside, while Rock Wrens squeaked and a Bewick's Wren hopped around in the thicket.  Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Gnatcatchers and an un-seen Woodpecker finished the list.  Red-tailed Hawks were sitting on phone poles along the frontage road.
     After lunch I went north again, to Madera Canyon.  The flock of Mexican Jays greeted me in the parking lot, as did the Acorn Woodpeckers.  Bridled Titmice and Grey-headed Juncos flitted in the trees.  I had a brief look at a Painted Redstart.  At the Santa Rita Lodge feeders several people were watching the Wild Turkeys and Jays.  2 Rufous-crowned Sparrows were found.  Then a 4-legged creature with a very long tail walked out from behind the Turkeys.  A Coatimundi  !!   In all my birding around AZ, this was the first time I have seen a Coatimundi !!
     Madera Canyon's creek still has water trickling thru the rocks.

1 comment:

  1. What a terrific sighting! Love to vicariously explore the desert through your blog posts. Only once, in all my hiking in the Huachucas, did I spot a coatimundi, or rather, a herd or gaggle (whatever the proper collective) of them.
