The Gift shop completed set-up on Thursday and opened to the public on Friday with many new items to sell. Three of last year's employees have returned, along with 4 new people.
Above is Jackson Lake frozen. To the left is the Lake soon after ice-out.
I participated in Global Bird Count / International Migratory Bird Day on May 4. Counting at Lupine Meadows I found 12 species to report for the event. Chipping Sparrows had just arrived, as had Yellow-rumped Warblers. Flickers, and Ruby-crowned Kinglets arrived before I did. The 2 most surprising birds were a Wilson's Snipe, heard winnowing, and a Townsend's Solitaire singing from a Pine tree.
Yesterday I visited a restored wetlands area south of Jackson and found 35 species !! Yellow Warblers had recently arrived, and the Tree Swallows were busy investigating nest cavities. This Eared Grebe was a pleasant surprise.
I can't say it enough how much I love these blog posts! Being stuck back here in central New York, I shall Adventure vicariously through them over the next 6 months. Have a great season!