My Dad and I have done some excellent coastal birding in Maine, NH, and Massachusetts. Red-breasted Mergansers, Harlequin Ducks, all 3 Scoters (Black, White-winged, Surf), Common Eiders, Buffleheads, Long-tailed Ducks, Red-throated and Common Loons, Western and Horned Grebes (!!!), Snow Buntings. Special Mention: a Razorbill (Karen's Life bird), and Snowy Owls.
Top photo of Cocheco Falls in Dover, NH. Old brick buildings once housed textile factories.
Great Blue Heron fishing in a shallow marsh with brown grasses at the end of autumn.
Tufted Titmouse looking for a mid-morning snack.
Karen!! Nice to see what you're up to. Your photos looks great. Please give me your new address in Truckee. I think of you all of the time. you are an inspiration!
ReplyDeleteKaren, were the falls used to generate electricity or drive machinery at the textile factories? have the factories been converted to another use or for another tenant?