Hermit Thrushes, Verdins, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, a Black-throated Gray Warbler (!!), Painted Redstarts, a Red-naped Sapsucker, and the big highlight, Rufous-backed Robin (!!).
I have been practicing with the Nikon camera. Ducks at Fort Lowell Park were most cooperative. The Roadrunner did not get focused well. This afternoon I watched the excitement in my "front yard." Pyrrhuloxias in the Palo Verde, Cactus Wrens eating from the seed tray, a Gila Woodpecker in the mesquite, and Gambel's Quail will chase the Mo Doves away. Two days ago a Green-tailed Towhee came looking for breakfast, today the Abert's and Canyon Towhees showed up. The little Rufous-winged Sparrow is not intimidated by the White-crowned Sparrows.
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