Saturday I received a phone message, my nephew was visiting the parks and could stop for a short visit. !!!!!!! I sent him a text message with directions. Sam and his friend came to Cabin Office for a short visit. It was good to see him. He looks so much like his Dad.
I have started a habit of taking my breakfast to Oxbow viewpoint each morning. The other day a tour guide had just found a Coyote for his group. After his group saw the Coyote thru his 'scope they departed. A family group was nearby with 1 or 2 pairs of binoculars, not finding the canine. I set up my telescope and everyone had a good look at it. I gave them directions to the Moose pair who had been at Pilgrim Creek pond for the past 2 weeks.
Wildfires from 2 directions are covering the Tetons with a dense layer of smoke. A fire is burning south of Jackson Hole, and a much bigger fire is consuming forest lands near Dubois. Several fires are burning in southern Montana. Strong winds are blowing dust and smoke thru the area and making the job of containing the fires much more difficult. My co-workers and I are sneezing with itchy noses from all the particulates in the air.
Photos: The well-photographed Moose at Pilgrim Creek. Waterfall of snowmelt in Cascade Canyon. There was not enough snow during the winter, leading to not enough moisture in the soil. Last year these snowmelt waterfalls were much bigger and lasted into late summer.
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