I am making a detour to Cheyenne Bottoms, a bird refuge I have heard good things about. The first night I found a CG 1 1/2 hours from the refuge. This place is AWESOME !! I spent much time studying sandpipers I am not familiar with, Bairds, White-rumped, and Semi-Palmated. Red-necked and Wilson's Phalaropes were spinning in circles looking for tasty bits to eat. Hudsonian and Marbled Godwits in breeding plumage. This was only my 2nd time seeing Hudsonian Godwits. Plovers, shorebirds, and in the field and forest areas I saw Dickcissels, Orchard Orioles, Eastern Kingbirds and Grasshopper Sparrows. and more.
After the seeing the migration show at the refuge I drove north and west thru Nebraska and into Wyoming. I must admit Nebraska in the Spring can be really pretty. At a rest stop for Nebraska National Forest I walked the short trail and saw a rainbow of birds.
Also a
Catbird, RWBB, BHCO, BC Chickadees, WBr Nuthatch, and Chipping Sparrows. An Orchard Oriole showed up as I was about to
I spent last night in a nice KOA in Douglas. They let me charge the laptop battery and provided free Internet.
Photos from Ft Robinson bluffs, and eastern Wyoming looking to the east.
Something very compelling about your "open road" photo. So different than our green canopies of New England - which are just now too dense to find warblers anymore!