Sunday afternoon I was able to get a backcountry camping permit for Monday evening at North Fork. Its a popular area for backpacking because of the scenery and a longer loop trail is possible. I started at String Lake and walked along the inflow creek to Jenny Lake. Birds !! This area burned several years ago and now provides open shrubby habitat for birds and small mammals. I saw a female Black-headed Grosbeak, a Williamson's Sapsucker, a MacGillivray's Warbler, and a Western Tanager feeding a young one. An Osprey sat on her platform nest watching me walk by.
The trail climbs up to Inspiration Point and continues into Cascade Canyon. I had hiked part of the canyon before, on this trip I walked the 4 miles to the western end and turned north. The designated camping area is in an incredibly beautiful scenic valley. Alpine vistas, flowers, snow on the high peaks, and a rushing snow-melt creek. After 7 miles I set my pack down on a grassy spot and just watched the scene for awhile.
........In the morning Pine Siskins were squeaking and chattering along with Yellow-rumped Warblers. There was frost on the grass and ground-hugging leaves. At least 30 F !! I took a walk and found Pikas on the rock slide giving alarm calls. Big 2-legged creature !! Squeak, squeak !! I also saw Clark's Nutcrackers, Mt Chickadees, and heard an Olive-sided Flycatcher.
Hiking out I came by some other hikers who had just spotted a Mama Moose and her calf in the forest. !!!!!! Closer to Jenny Lake I took the Horse Trail short-cut that avoids the crowds at Inspiration Point. The disadvantage is, of course, I needed to watch my footing around the horse droppings. A loud sudden rustling in the brush caught my attention. A Black Bear running into the forest, away from me !!!! No bear spray needed. Such a day for wildlife.
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