Yesterday it snowed most of the day. In the morning the sun was out as much as the snow clouds and I was able to put Fuji bicycle and Dolphin in safer storage places. They each have a tarp to live under.
Today was bright and cloudy. Temperatures overnight were below freezing. Car doors were frozen shut and ice scrapers were borrowed for windshields. The high T today may have reached 48 or 50 F.
The lake near Picnic beach is looking much better, the marina is not. Bureau of Reclamation has drained much of the lake in advance of the spring snow melt. Currently it looks dismal.
This past Winter was the 2nd snowiest in the past 40 years. Usually all the snow is gone by Memorial Day weekend.
Before dinner I drove to a bridge just past Jackson Lake Lodge. There are several trails leading into the brush, toward small lakes. I walked a short distance to a lake ringed with willows and found Ducks !! One pair each of Bufflehead, of Cinnamon Teal, of Gadwall, of Ring necked Ducks, and of Lesser Scaup. One lone Coot. I had to study those Scaup for quite awhile, I was not expecting Scaup in Wyoming. Audubon's Warblers and Robins are also busy setting up house-keeping and raising families.
After dinner I went to the marina to take the photos. 3 California Gulls were flying around the iced docks. Lower photo is the marina, top photo is the outlet to Jackson Lake. You can see the exposed shoreline.
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