Spring bird migration is happening !! Warblers have been amazing: 2 Canadas, a Blackburnian, several Yellows, Black-throated Greens, Black and Whites, Common Yellowthroats, Yellow-rumpeds, Northern Parula and more. 4 species of Vireos have graced me with their presence: Yellow-throated, Warbling, Blue-headed, and a heard-only Red-Eyed. The other day I had a quick look at a Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Today's beauties were a Scarlet Tanager, and a Great- crested Flycatcher. Alas, my camera is not up to bird photography, unless the bird is very close.
Flowers are another story. I found beautiful Red trillium, yellow Trout Lilly, and white Wood Anenomes blooming in the forest. Fern fiddleheads have been fun to watch as they unfold and expand many leaflets.
I'm glad spring has arrived for you - passerine migration is winding down here in Georgia. I can't wait to hear about your journey to Wyoming!