Sunday, October 13, 2019

October suddenly

Less than a week after the last posting the Aspen trees turned golden, all at the same time, it seemed.  Beautiful Fall days were intermingled with rain and snow showers.  Typical mountain weather.
     I walked to Christian Pond to see if there were any ducks remaining on the pond.  Yes,  a few Mallards, Coots, and American Wigeons.   The Aspens were brilliant in gold.

Color change happened quickly, and faded quickly as a few cold fronts with strong winds blew the leaves around.

Grand Teton at sunrise is magnificent.


I had a lovely hike in Cascade Canyon, with Mt Owen on the left  (photo)  and Mt St John on the right  (no photo here).  

 Elk are putting on a big show during their rutting time.  Bulls with impressive antlers run back and forth, monitoring the females in their harem, and bugling loudly to keep the other males from approaching.

Moose have been equally exciting in Gros Ventre CG in the south end of the park.  2 large males and 3 females walk the CG loops, eating bushes and sniffing the ground.  Males are looking for females in heat,  females seem uninterested in the attention.

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