Monday, March 6, 2017

Fun photos

Flowers were spectacular.  I may not learn the names of these flowers, but I took their photos anyway.

Both of these were found at Yanacocha Reserve, a high-altitude cloud forest at 10,500 ft elevation on Pichincha Volcano west of Quito.  

I found this lovely cluster of tubular flowers at a stop in the Tandayapa Valley.

These yellow flowers may be orchids.  Photo taken at Guango Lodge in Provincia de Napo.

These flowers looked like red slippers.  taken at Poco de Choco Nature Reserve.

Another maybe an orchid. This one seen at Amagusa Preserve.  We saw wonderful hummingbirds and tanagers at this location.

a view from Yanacocha Reserve looking across the volcanic mountains. This is truly an incredible place.  We saw some amazing birds here,  Swordbill  (a hummingbird whose bill is longer than the bird),  Golden breasted Puffleg, Sapphire vented Puffleg, Tyrian Metaltail, and more. 

I snapped this photo at a quick bird stop along the road to Antisana and the Paramo. Horse is saddled and ready to go, with no rider in sight.

1 comment:

  1. Could the last flower photo be a type of bird of paradise?
