Thursday, June 25, 2015


The mile high city.  I accepted the job on Friday, and confirmed renting a room in an apartment in the southeast corner of Denver.  Hurray !!  It is true I am not a city person, I am glad to end this bout of unemployment.  Bus routes look good between the apartment and the office location.
     Early morning Saturday I went walking at Bobcat Ridge.  Birds were singing in the cool morning air.  A Yellow Warbler, Western Kingbirds near a nest site, a beautiful Lazuli Bunting male, and an Eastern Kingbird.  That surprised me.  An Eastern Kingbird in the same morning on the same trail as a group of Western Kingbirds.
     I have no photos of any of those birds, so I will close with the Red Crossbill family on the railing at my friend's house.  Top photo is Dad and Mom Red Crossbil, below is their recently fledged young one.  A few times I watched it begging Dad for food.

Saturday, June 13, 2015


I have been looking in and around Denver, and will let everyone know when the good news happens.  In between phone calls, interviews, and internet sessions I have been walking in good bird places.  One morning I heard the calls of what sounded like a Blue Jay.  Not believing that Blue Jays came this far west I kept walking.  Later on I met a local birder who told me, Yes, there are Blue Jays here and they are successful.
     Other nice birds I have seen this Spring include Bullock's Orioles, Black-headed Grosbeaks, and Red Crossbills.  My one new Life Bird for this year was the Gunnison Sage-Grouse.
     3 years ago I spent the winter in Greeley, CO.  We traveled a few times to a marsh to see Owls and Harriers.  Another big surprise this year was in the Spring, when shallow ponds melt, many ducks and wading birds come to this marsh.  Photographs taken at Latham Marsh.  Above is a Black-necked Stilt calling.  Below a Cinnamon Teal looking beautiful.