Wednesday, December 12, 2012

into December 2012

Mid-morning walk added 3 new birds to my Ranch list:  Hermit Thrush, Orange-crowned Warbler, and Bridled Titmouse.  All birds found in the canyons with running water creeks, but a surprise here.  The small fishing pond is the only water nearby.
     Yesterday I received permission to have Sunday off to do Christmas Bird Count in Tucson.  The new compiler went thru a list of all previous participants and sent out emails to everyone asking for birders to join CBC on Sunday.  I did not need to go looking for the compiler's name, as I did last year. 
     Requested photos of the "feeding station" outside my window.  Several platform feeders are scattered around the guest areas, and will be filled by the Grounds crew if the guest requests seeds.  Of course I need to provide my own seeds, and the birds are most willing to come eat.  Mostly White-crowned Sparrows, House Finches, some House Sparrows, and the desert specialties.  A pair of Cardinals comes occasionally.  4 Quail is the size limit for the platform feeder.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're joining a CBC on Sunday! We're doing a little piece of the Storrs Circle on Saturday. Can't wait to read your results.
