Spring was so green. Aspens that had been winter dormant for many months, popped their buds and grew little leaves.
This trail north of Bozeman had a good mix of habitats for birds. Meadows, riparian, roadside brush, and leafing out Aspen trees. Flowers will come soon.
Birds I did not expect: both Eastern and Western Kingbirds along the same road. Catbirds ! Mimicking, and singing of all their friends they spent the winter with. American Redstarts totally surprised me. They are not lost, other birders were reporting them as well.
These Blue-winged Teal males spent a month in the same pond. I wonder if the females are sitting on eggs nearby.
a view across Gallatin Valley, north of town.
The other good news is I have finally been accepted for a job. I am now the Administrative person at the Bozeman branch of Youth Dynamics. Look at their website, they are doing good things for kids.
I could not resist taking a photo of this young colt with the mare in a field.
I was watching a group of Lark Sparrows in a gravel parking lot when 3 Lazuli Bunting males flew in to join them.
Avocets have returned from wintering in Mexico and California.
an early morning photo, sunbeams thru the branches of a coniferous forest. It was a beautiful morning, with few birds.