Washington is highly volcanic. Mt Rainier and the Cascades were formed from ancient volcanoes. I took this photo along Hwy 12 as Tieton River is flowing east to meet the Yakima River. Basalt columns are easy to see on this mountainside.
I continued east across Washington, clipped a corner on Oregon, and drove Hwy 84 thru Idaho. Utah's Great Salt Lake was a wonderful bonanza of birds in August. It was nearly empty on the day in November I stopped to look. I took Hwy 80 across windy Wyoming, and Hwy 25 thru Colorado and into New Mexico.
Dawn flight out.
contemplating take-off
Snow Geese look up from preening or sleeping.
Much of this lake's surface is covered with Snow Geese. The numbers of Snow Geese here is astonishing.
I continued east across New Mexico into Texas, driving past Capitan, NM site where the "Smokey the Bear" story began in 1950.
Texas is a big state and it took me a few overnights to cross over. I decided to take a southern route to avoid winter storms in the northern tier states.
Continuing north and east, I drove a corner of Missouri and halfway across Kentucky before turning north again into Ohio. By now the weather maps were showing an ominous snowstorm moving from Minnesota going east. As much as I wanted to go check out the birds on Lake Erie, I decided it would be safer to stay south. I picked up Hwy 84 in Pennsylvania and drove to northern Connecticut.