Colorado Field Ornithology held its annual meeting and bird festival in Lamar last weekend. Lamar is in the southeast corner of the state in landscape of arid grasslands and open agricultural fields. Why would birds be attracted to this dusty landscape ? The Arkansas River's riparian and some private special places have created shelter belts and migrant traps for hungry tired birds. This area also benefits from proximity to Kansas and Oklahoma. Birds can't tell the difference. Cardinals are common in Kansas, and rare in CO. The SE corner of CO is the only place to see a Cardinal in CO. The same holds true for Orchard Orioles.
A highlight of the trip was a Golden-winged Warbler who found himself in one such oasis, sheltering from the strong winds. We watched an active Raven nest as the adult came in to feed the nestlings. Bullock's Orioles, Mississippi Kites, recently arrived vireos, sparrows, flycatchers, and thrushes. Western Kingbirds were everywhere !
Another Internet photo of a Northern Parula. I cannot take photos like this during such windy weather.
Weather was sunny, wind was forecasted at 40 - 50 mph. Afternoon birding locations needed to be in sheltered areas. Photos are available on CFO's Facebook page. E-bird reports are posted for May 6th and May 8th trips.
Another posting coming soon. I took some photos today of the rookery at Belmar Park.