Viewing the White-rumped Sandpiper and a Semi-Palmated Sandpiper together was a good chance to study their differences.
Fall is a bittersweet time. Its sad to see
the edges of ferns turning brown, and grasses becoming golden. Brightly colored Maples, Ashes, and bushes give beautiful views for a short time while sheltering the migrating birds.
In the mornings I look at the sunny edges of fields and forests, looking at Sparrows, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Warblers (Yellow-rumped and Pine) and sometimes Eastern Bluebirds. Sparrows seen are: Song, Savannah, Swamp, White-throated, Lincoln's, and Chipping. This last photo is an Internet picture of one of my favorite Sparrows, a Lincoln's. I cannot claim it, however.
And then I saw a Junco. Oh no, not Winter birds already. We need to keep Fall happening for a longer time.