I spent a few days in NW Ohio at the boardwalk at Magee Marsh. It is truly an amazing place, filled with warblers of every color and species. And the people you meet !!
My brother, Ken, arranged a family reunion and 80th Birthday celebration for our Mom at his house in Virginia. ALL of us came, all my siblings, nieces and nephews. We have not done that for several years. Hurray for family !! Big thank you to Ken and Laurie for hosting all of us.
Leaving Virginia, I spent some time driving across Pennsylvania and New York. Birding in the mornings and driving in the afternoons, I sampled some very green leafy areas. Today I arrived in Connecticut. Its been raining on and off for several days, grey clouds are dripping, dripping.
Top photo, backroads of West Virginia. 2nd photo, a Baltimore Oriole enjoying an orange.
Photo to the right: Redbud tree in bloom, along the Tippecanoe River in Indiana.
This was amazing ! I was standing on the boardwalk at Magee Marsh watching 2 Yellow Warbler males fighting. I did not know warblers were so aggressive. The bird on the left is trying to drown the one on the right. Fortunately both birds survived.